Program EnKF Workshop 2013



Monday 27/05/2013:


10:00-10:30:        Coffee & registration

10:30-10:45:        Welcome, Randi Valestrand (IRIS)

10:45-11:30:        Eugenia Kalnay (invited) (University of Maryland): "Recent Advances in Data Assimilation with Ensemble Kalman Filter"

11:30-12:00:        Jon Sætrom (Statoil ASA): “Localisation of state variables with global support

        using sparse regression techniques.”

12:00-12:30:        Marc Bocquet (ENPC and CEREA) and Pavel Sakov (BOM): “The iterative ensemble Kalman smoother”

12:30-13:30:        Lunch

13:30-14:15:        Remus Hanea (invited); “To be or not to be Smoother”

14:15-14:45:        Christian Lantuejoul (MinesParisTech): “Stochastic facies models for reservoir data assimilation”

14:45-15:15:        Alina Astrakova (CIPR) and Dean Oliver (CIPR): Updating realistic 3D geological models using the truncated plurigaussian model with an iterative ensemble smoother”

15:15-15:45:        Break

15:45-16:30:        Pavel Sakov (invited) (BOM): "Ensemble redrawing in strongly nonlinear systems"

16:30-17:00:        Patrick Raanes (NERSC/Oxford) and Laurent Bertino (NERSC): “(Another) Data Assimilation Test Environment (DATE)”

17:00-17:30:        Andreas. S. Stordal (IRIS) and Slawomir P. Sklarz (TU Delft): "Gaussian mutation for optimization and efficient importance sampling"

18:30                  Dinner



Tuesday 28/05/2013:


08:30-09:15:        Henrik Madsen (invited) (DHI Group): "Towards a probabilistic hydrological forecasting and data assimilation system"

09:15-09:45:        Ibrahim Hoteit (KAUST) and Dinh-Tuan Pham (CNRS): “Mitigating Observational Error Undersampling  in the Stochastic EnKF”

09:45-10:15:        Morten Borup (DTU Environment and Krüger A/S), M. Grum (Krüger A/S), P.S. Mikkelsen (DTU Environment): “Ensemble based updating of distributed, physically based, urban drainage models“

10:15-10:45:        Break

10:45-11:15:        Anahita Abadpour (Total), P. Bergey (Total) and R. Piasecki (Total): “History match with ensemble based methods: Use of Distance to boundary parameterization to address facies uncertainty and 4D seismic observation”

11.15-12.00:        Dean Oliver (Uni CIPR): “Conditional Simulation Using Optimization: Relationship to Optimal Transport”

12:00-12:30:        Yanhui Zhang (Uni CIPR), Dean S. Oliver (Uni CIPR), Yan Chen (IRIS) and Hans J. Skaug (UoB): “Data Assimilation Using the Iterative Ensemble Smoother

for 2-D Categorical Models”

12:30-13:30:        Lunch

13:30-18:00:        Sea eagle safari

                          Departure to Nordsjøfartsmuseet by bus

The trip starts with a 15-20 minute walk across heaths and rocky terrain before boarding the boat

19:00                  Dinner





Wednesday 29/05/2013:


08:30-09:15:        Geir Evensen (invited) (Statoil): “Fast Model Update: A workflow for big-loop model updating"

09:15-09:45:        Laura Dovera (Eni) and Stefano Raniolo ( Eni): “Polymer Flooding Optimization Using Ensemble Optimization”

09:45-10:15:        Bogdan Sebacher (TU Delft), Remus Hanea (Statoil) and Arnold Heemink (TNO): “Adaptive plurigaussian truncation scheme for geological uncertainty quantification using the EnKF“

10:15-10:45:        Break

10:45-11:15:        Kristian Fossum (Uni CIPR) and Trond Mannseth (Uni CIPR): Aspects of sequential and simultaneous assimilation”

11:15-11:45:        Xiaodong Luo (IRIS): “Ensemble Kalman filtering with residual nudging: some

                          recent results”

11:45-12:15:        Martha Lien (Uni CIPR) and Trond Mannseth (Uni CIPR): “Application of a reduced, composite parameter representation in combination with the ensemble

                          Kalman Filter for facies identification.”

12:15-13:15:        Lunch

13:15-13:45:        Hector Klie (CoPh), Brian Ludolph (CoPh), Randi Valestrand (IRIS) and Geir Naevdal (IRIS): “Estimating Parameters on Highly Faulted Systems via AGM and PSO: A Comparison Study”

13:45-14:15:        Theophile Gentilhomme (University of Lorraine/Hampson-Russell – CGG), Dean Oliver (Uni CIPR), Trond Mannseth (Uni CIPR), Rémi Moyen (Hampson-Russell – CGG), Guillaume Caumon (University of Lorraine) and Philippe Doyen (Hampson-Russell – CGG): “Adaptive multi-scale ensemble-based history matching of highly detailed prior models using wavelets“

14:15-14:45:        Break

14:45-15:15:        Ahmed H. Elsheikh (ICES - The University of Texas, Austin), Ibrahim Hoteit (KAUST), Mary F. Wheeler (ICES - The University of Texas, Austin): “Nested Sampling Particle Filter for Nonlinear Data Assimilation”

15:15-15:45:        Oliver Pajonk (TU Braunschweig): “Stochastic methods in the context of hydrocarbon reservoir history matching”

15.45:                 Concluding remarks




Speaker’s name written in Boldface